Building Community Through Play

Photo Credits Lisa Audi and John LeClerc

Inclusible Communities

Inclusible means suitable for inclusion.  

Our goal is to build inclusible communities, using play, where individuals of all ages, experiences, cultures, orientations and abilities can connect with others, gain experiences and just plain have fun. 

We use local spaces and partnerships to host or support inclusive game-playing events. Building community through play is the perfect way to combat the problem of isolation and loneliness that is affecting so many.

We invite you to join us, if you are local, or to create your own game-playing community where you live. Reach out, we can help!

Let’s make our communities more Inclusible for the joy and benefit of us all!


Our Mission

Photo Credit William Fortunato

To build inclusible communities, using play, where individuals of all ages, experiences, cultures, orientations and abilities can connect with others, gain experiences and just plain have fun. 

To create games, activities and support materials with and for individuals with special circumstances or special needs that foster success and enjoyment for all.

To do our part to protect our planet and its inhabitants through our long-term decisions and everyday actions.

About Play, Well Said!

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

— George Bernard Shaw


“Play is the gateway to vitality. By its nature it is uniquely and intrinsically rewarding. It generates optimism, seeks out novelty, makes perseverance fun, leads to mastery, gives the immune system a bounce, fosters empathy and promotes a sense of belonging and community.”

— Dr. Stuart Brown

“Interactive play skills are a critical component in the development of learning, communication and socialization.”

— Dr. Joanne Cafiero


“Play is the force that pulls us together.”

— Miguel Sciart

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And What We’ve Learned…

Play offers us a reason and opportunity to gather together.

It can give us a predictable and comfortable way to connect with others.

While we’re having fun, play can help us gain and keep skills.

Play can give us opportunities to see and listen to others and in turn, be seen and heard.

Through play we can spend time with those who are different from ourselves, build friendships, and grow.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with inquiries about Inclusible or information to share.


You can also check out our YouTube Channel for more inclusible games and activities!