July 2024 Newsletter
July 2024
Event Highlights
Hello Game Players!
Can it be that we are halfway through 2024? It’s been a delightfully busy six months since our first newsletter!
We have continued to offer game-playing events with our partners Live Work Learn, Bring on the Spectrum, Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library and the William K. Sanford Colonie Town Library. With each new player we meet, we have new opportunities to grow in inclusivity.
One such player is Michael. Michael taught us to make our games more accessible to blind game players. We learned about Braille dice and adding tactile elements to games. First, Michael became comfortable playing games with his companion, Lindsay. When he was ready, he joined others in a group game of Doubles or Match and was able to read his dice independently!
We initially connected with Michael through the Live Work Learn & Bring on the Spectrum collaborative pilot program called ACE. ACE stands for Adult Community Engagement and is designed for adults who may benefit from support and/or opportunities to access the community in positive, meaningful ways.
For eligible adults, there are rotating classes and activities offered for free on Wednesdays. Inclusible game playing is just one of the activities offered. There is also Zumba, arts & crafts, music, and community projects. You can check here for more information: https://www.bringonthespectrum.org/ace
Our local libraries continue to be great places for monthly game playing events. These events are open to adults of all ages and abilities. We always bring a variety of games but have been noticing the group games are the most requested.
With the help of our libraries, we’ve also had the chance to play with our local community of English language learners (ELL). In May, Shenendehowa Neighbors Connecting and the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library together hosted an afternoon social. We chatted, we sang, we snacked and, of course, we played games!
On the first Wednesday evening of each month, the Colonie Town Library turns their ELL conversational group into a game night.
Naturally, Diane’s wheels are turning as she works to locate and develop inclusive, language-rich games. So far we’ve had success with the Around Albany memory match game and the icebreaker/conversation-starter game called That’s Me!
In the Spring we had the opportunity to spend some time getting to know participants and staff of Wildwood Day Services at Riverside in Halfmoon. It’s such a joy to discover together new interests and abilities through games.
You just never know where Inclusible Games will turn up! Wishing Casey and Dean a wonderful journey through life together—with a lots of opportunities to play!!
What’s Coming Next
Public Events:
Games for Adults, Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library, 10-11:30am, Aug. 28, Sept. 19, Oct. 3, Nov. 14, Dec. 12 - CPH Library Events
Adult Community Engagement (ACE), a pilot project for adults with certain program needs, registration required at Bring on the Spectrum, Albany, July 31, Aug. 21, Aug. 28 (There are different activities available on additional Wednesdays.)
Game Night for English Language Learner Adults, William K. Sanford Colonie Town Library, 6:30-7:30pm, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Dec. 4 - Colonie Library Events
Also check our Facebook page for events!
Featured Game
Doubles or Match is an easy, fun and fast moving game! The more players, the more fun! The drawstring pouch contains 12 dice—enough for 6 players—along with doubles cards, match bonus cards and instructions for play. There are two ways to collect points, collect the most and you win!
This is one of our most requested games when we are playing out in the community.
Shop in person at Pastore's Green Grocer in Halfmoon or through our online store at Inclusible Games online store
Featured Free Download
That’s Me! is a quick and easy icebreaker game. It was a borrowed idea that we made more inclusible by adding text and images. It can also be slowed down and used for conversation starters.
The PDF download contains nine pages of cards to be printed and cut apart. There is an additional page of blank cards for adding your own ideas.
Find these and other resources on our FREE DOWNLOADS page.
Special Mention
A Note from Diane…
An important goal for me with Inclusible is for the games to go on without my direct involvement. I am just one person and the need for building community is so great.
To my delight, when I wasn’t able to make it to some planned events recently, the games did indeed go on without me!
For this I credit two amazing volunteers, Deborah McCrum and Xavier Chodon.
Deborah and I have known each other since first grade! We hadn’t been in touch in years when all of a sudden I got an email from her. She saw what we were doing with Inclusible and wanted to volunteer! Now she joins in whenever she can and has helped out at three different venues! Players often ask for her because she has a way of making people feel comfortable and valued and she’s just plain fun to play with!
Xavier came to us as a Bring on the Spectrum (BOTS) volunteer. He just finished his degree at Hudson Valley Community College and will begin at SUNY Cortland in the fall. Xavier is interested in working with young children but has enjoyed our adult game players so much that he’s become a regular and valuable volunteer. He’s quickly learned how to play and lead all of our games and is especially great at helping to keep me organized!
Our newest volunteer also comes by way of BOTS. (Thank you Lisa Audi!) Maya is helping out during her summer break from Utica College. Maya is studying Occupational Therapy—a perfect tie into game playing, right?! Maya has quickly become part of our community and is always willing to chip in whether it’s being a play partner or setting up games—she sees a need and she’s on it!
Sending you all a huge thank you!!